I wanted to create a post that our community helped to create, so you could see how wide-range minimalism is and how it is defined by real people living the lifestyle.
I find that there are some really loud people that scream about an ideal and purist form of minimalism that isn’t something that the majority of us want or even need.
So having a post about how real-life minimalists state what their minimalism lifestyle is defined as might help you get a sense of what it truly is – individual and on a spectrum.
I found that myths and misconceptions about minimalism often define the minimalist lifestyle.
I feel that everybody’s minimalism is entirely different, this is why I decided to ask the cozy minimalist community on Facebook and Instagram to get their thoughts, it was really fun reading the responses.
What better way to define it than to ask a community of over 140,000 cozy minimalists what they describe it as?
After all, they (and you) are the real people living it!
There were some common threads in a lot of the responses.
Just a quick side note:
More often than not, most people default to the minimalist design aesthetic, which is not what the minimalist lifestyle is all about.
After you read through them, feel free to add your own definition below in the comment section and I’ll add you to the post!
Someone who doesn’t buy any excess. Someone who thinks like an essentialist and does “less but better”. Focuses on what’s most important and what aligns with their values.
Living with less. But my less is different than your less.
When someone is very intentional about what material things they allow into their life, and about what activities they let’s fill their time.
For me, it means quality over quantity. Keeping empty space in my house and on my calendar.
I just started over the last year and for me it’s become a feeling of peace. As I go through what is 31 years of homemaking, I started letting go of things that don’t bring me peace. Spring will be a year since I started purging stuff and every day I feel closer to that peace.
I’m a very intentional shopper. I don’t buy something just because I like it. I have to absolutely love it and already have a space for it, not create a space. Also, kitchen gadgets are a no-go for me.
I think it’s someone who connects with the honest reality that possessions don’t bring happiness, but some objects can connect with us on a personal level. Maybe they bring memories or serve a function to make our lives easier, or maybe it’s art that makes us feel something. I think a minimalist is someone who realizes that what we connect with our experiences, and accumulating possessions dilutes that!
bare.bone.minimal on instagram
I’ve been working to identify this for myself too – A minimalist uses and appreciates everything they have on a regular basis. Except for seasonal, nothing is stored for the “just in case” or “it still works, so I should keep it”. A minimalist finds peace in their home, not work.
Anna F
Minimalism is a journey and each person, group or family gets to define their own meaning and destination of it.
I think for me it’s about not letting material things to define me.
My concept of minimalism is owning what you need, and only your favorite things. I used to get decision fatigue from wondering what to wear in the morning but now it’s easy, only my favorite clothes get to live in my closet. I have a ukulele because learning a new skill is good for my mental acuity and mental health. I also consider it a favourite thing. My house does not look there, just really clean and organized. Even with my books but most of my books are on my Kindle and the only the very favorite live on my bookshelf. So basically, own just what you need but do it well, make sure only the very best, favorite enter through the front door. And continually edit! It’s amazing what ends up leaving after a second or third go through.
I believe it’s someone who only owns what they used and practices intentional spending.
Oh for me it’s very different, not keeping things I don’t love and not being a hoarder just because I come by it naturally. Growing up my family kept everything because you might need it, it was free, or it was given to you.
I don’t know, but I just went through my closet again and it feels amazing! I will always apply minimalism to life!
Making a conscious decision to not bring unnecessary items into my home. Ridding my home of excess so that the things I do have are used, enjoyed and necessary. I do it for the financial benefits but also for my peace of mind. It calms my anxiety and gives me control over my home.
For me, it was acknowledging that all the different scenarios for how my life might go were too far-fetched to ever come to pass. It was accepting reality. This is how I live and that’s not going to change much. I can’t use something for a fantasy life that I don’t actually live.
Yes, being determined to rid yourself of things that weigh you down and not bringing unnecessary items into the home. My rule, “if I don’t eat it, it doesn’t get purchased”. (Some exceptions apply).
I don’t think it is a true definition, more of a feeling. And it’s not always about the number of possessions. I think it’s based on overall simplicity.
I’m not a minimalist yet but began this journey when I realized my children DO NOT want my stuff.
To me, it has a lot to do with how much is brought into the house, whether that be new purchases or accepting used items from neighbors.
I see plenty of so-called minimalists who trash and replace items all the time so their homes can look fresh and minimal.
And once a person gets to a certain point in their efforts, how much leaves the house in the form of waste or donations.
Someone who only has things they use and things that truly bring happiness. All those unnecessary things that clutter our spaces and our minds were paid for with our time, the time we will never get back.
Tearing down one’s possessions to only what one uses or enjoys. Then, going forward, adopting a mostly one in one out strategy to keep things manageable. That would be my definition.
Someone who strives to live without stuff and clutter all over the house!
I became a striving minimalist when I realized my stuff was stealing my life, my time and my happiness.
Your latest podcast was just what I needed. I’m preparing our house to sell and build a new one. I found myself getting caught up in trends. You saved me from myself.
Yeah, I don’t use that word. Too many “rules” people out there.
I define the minimalist lifestyle as a desire for peace.
Someone who understands happiness is not about stuff.
For me, being a minimalist means getting rid of what you don’t need or use. And buying only what you do. Spending money on experiences rather than junk. Saving for trips. Not having to have the latest trendy things. Also quality over quantity.
I’d love to have you add your own thoughts! Did we miss anything? What is the minimalism lifestyle defined for you? Tell me in the comments below!
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I very much agree with Ann. A minimalist is someone who believes happiness is not about your possessions. Keep what makes you happy or that you want to pass on to a loved one.
Minimalism is having only what is necessary
& used on a daily basis with no excess & the only things stored are seasonal items. It is a sense of calm, peace & a clear mind. No clutter, no stress. no anxiety. Everything is in it’s perfect place, never to be lost & easy to be found & used.weather it is in our closet, in our computer or in our mind. “Stuff” is not needed for happiness..happiness is found with family, friends, children, pets, nature, experiences, God & self.
I started taking things out of my home a couple years ago. I recently started on my closet the project 333. I feel lighter. Nothing enters my home that I can’t eat. I feel free❤