How to Become a Minimalist

(or Cozy Minimalist in our case)

Phase 01 - The Realization

You are aware that you aren’t thriving in your home. You are ready for a lifestyle change and your end goal is to live with less stuff and have more joy.

Focus on:

  • Seeking support (ensure non-judgment and positive)
  • Inspiration
  • Small scale declutters

Phase 02 - The Surface

This phase is where you focus on most of the *mind work*. You regularly remove surface clutter in the Primary zones of your home. You focus on removing the easy stuff and “no-brainer” stuff.

Focus on:

  • Minimalist mindshifts
  • Function and purpose of your spaces
  • Put yourself on a spending freeze – Don’t buy things when you are actively decluttering
  • Stop incoming flow
  • Routines and Schedules
  • 1-2 whole home purges

Phase 03 - The Deeper Dive

We begin to find places for everything that you’ve kept. You now dive deeper into the hidden clutter beneath the surface.We also tackle the secondary spaces of your home.

Focus on:

  • Finding solutions for what’s left
  • Put yourself on a spending freeze – Don’t buy things when you are actively decluttering
  • Seeking out deeper clutter
  • Focus on hotspots
  • 3-4 whole home purges

Phase 04 - The Maintenance

Focusing on long term maintenance solutions you can now tackle sentimental items and collections. We also focus on the tertiary areas of your home.

your home. You focus on removing the easy stuff and “no-brainer” stuff.

Focus on:

  • Maintaining organization and tweaking systems as you go
  • keeping only what you use, need and love
  • minimize collections
  • 5-6 whole home purges

Phase 05 - The Fruition

You made it!

You now have a home that gives you instant relief when you walk through the doors. A place where you can recharge and relax. A place that no longer feels like a burden and it finally feels like you can breathe.

Focus on: 

  • Intentionally decorating
  • Creating emotional connection points in your home.
  • Decorating with meaningful items